I want you to get the right mental health care that best fits with your needs.

Innovating mental healthcare

I am a postgraduate individual, who provides quality Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. As a specialist in mental health, I assist clients by providing therapy, medication management, goal setting, and more. I empower my clients to overcome their mental health problems. The sessions are available online or over the telephone. In turn, increasing your opportunity to access CBT. It’s essential to me that my clients get person-centred CBT because ultimately the client will get the most out of therapy if it is meaningful to them. At the start of every session, we discuss an agenda to make sure the client gets exactly what they want from their CBT, to fit with the client’s difficulty. With the opportunity to share feedback at the end of each session.

A modern approach

I use modern technology to deliver traditional CBT techniques. I’ve created a system designed around the client’s needs and always look at new opportunities for innovation.

What if CBT isn’t for me?

Well, that is ok. When completing a CBT assessment, a part of my role is assessing the client's suitability for CBT. Within Safran and Segal’s paper about client treatment suitability, they give a comprehensive breakdown of the conditions for CBT suitability. What stood out to me from their research paper was that “if a therapist tries to administer treatment unmatched to the client’s difficulty or the suitability, this, in turn, can be a disservice to the client whereby therapeutic gains are unlikely and possibly damaging. Furthermore, this can also cause burnout on the part of the therapist”. So it’s not in either person’s interest to pursue CBT if it’s not the right modality of Psychotherapy. And for that reason the consultation is free.

Equally, if you are suitable and feel like now is not the right time then that’s ok. You are an adult and you have the freedom to choose your care. I’d prefer a client that is honest to a client who doesn’t turn up to sessions.

To repeat the title, I want you to get the right mental health care that fits with your needs. Therefore, if at assessment we agree CBT isn’t right for you. Then we can reflect and agree on an alternative plan of action.

Free information

It was really upsetting to read in the BBC news about Jake being exploited by “Instagram therapists”. When people are struggling with mental health everyday functioning can feel overwhelming. They can get desperate and willing to try anything.

The sad truth is there are people out there on social media who will claim to be a therapist and “the expert, the only one who can cure you”. But they don’t have the specialised training and when people are not trained to do something, well they can end up teaching techniques they don’t understand, causing further harm to the person and then the person will feel demoralised/hopeless. Consequently, leaving the individual worse off, frustrated and out of pocket. Don’t be afraid to ask your therapist what their credentials are and where they studied.

The BABCP regulates practitioner training standards of CBT therapists. You can check to see if your therapist is on the CBT Register at https://babcp.com/CBTRegister/Search.

You can find me there by putting “Jarrold” in the search field.

I don’t want to see anybody getting caught out, fooled or ripped off.

Get started with CJCBT, today.